Research in clinical setting
Category: Training - Friday Afternoon Teaching
Date: November 25th 2011 2:30pm until 4:30pm
Location: Level 3 Meeting Room. St Michaels Hospital
Pan Bristol Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trainee Teaching Programme
Friday Afternoon teaching sessions are organised on a termly basis for all Bristol based O&G trainees. During August the sessions provide 'in-house' training of the new ST1 and ST2 trainees. The sessions run from 2.30-4.30pm.
The programme is currently organised by Dr Sherif Abdel-Fattah (Consultant at Southmead) and Dr Snethalata Basude.
All Bristol O&G Trainees ST1-5 (in St Michaels and Southmead) are expected to attend these teaching sessions unless they are on-call or on annual leave. All Foundation doctors and GP ST are also encouraged to attend these sessions during their O&G attachment. An attendance register is kept and certificates of attendance distributed at each session. At your regular appraisal with your Educational Supevisor you will need to complete an attendance form in preparation for your annual RITA/ARCP. A reason for non attendance at the teaching session must be given and signed by your Educational Supervisor. An absolute minimum of 10 sessions per year is expected for trainees based in Bristol for 12 months.
Evaluation forms are completed at the end of each session to facilitate future planning of the programme.
Bristol Advanced Trainees are encouraged to attend, participate or organise the session.
Swindon ST1 and ST2 trainees are encouraged to attend the Bristol sessions whenever possible. All other O&G Trainees in the Severn Deanery are also welcome to attend but must inform their local Educational Supervisors and obtain permission to attend.
Type | Title |
doc, 41 KB | Autumn 2011 Friday Teaching Educational Supervisors sign off form |