Biannual meeting to discuss cross-city / interesting cases
17th March 3pm
Why do we have this meeting?
- To follow through on cases that have been referred cross-city
- To learn from the rare or unusual cases in the deanery
- To take home learning points from these cases
- To get trainees and Consultants together – with a social afterwards!
What is presented?
- Any obstetric or gynaecology case with interesting learning points
- Cross-city cases (although doesn’t have to be)
Who presents?
- Anyone (SHO to Consultant)
What is the format?
- Bristol House will take place twice a year, alternating between St. Michaels and Southmead Hospitals
- It will take place on a Friday afternoon (when most trainees have teaching sessions scheduled)
- It will be open to ALL trainees in the deanery to attend
What is expected if I present?
- A 15 minute presentation outlining the case to include:
- Presentation of the PC/HPC
- Relevant history and examination findings (if applicable)
- Relevant investigations (if applicable)
- The differentials (if applicable)
- The outcome
- Three learning points from the case
The first Bristol House is to take place 17th March, 3pm
St. Michaels Hospital
Social afterwards, starting from 5.30pm
If you think you have a case to present please contact
Emily Hotton with a brief outline of the case -
Thank you,
Emily Hotton, Rachel Liebling and Tracey Appleyard