ARCP Advice for Trainees
Please refer to the RCOG website regarding ARCPs
Commonly asked questions relating to ARCP
I won’t be able to complete my RCOG requirements by the end of my training year, does it matter?
If any of the RCOG requirements, as shown on the matrix RCOG Matrix are not complete, then an outcome 1 at ARCP cannot be given. The ARCP panel will decide whether an outcome 2 (targeted training, but no extra time), or an outcome 3 (targeted training and prolongation of the training year) is required. The RCOG have guidance on ARCPs
My ARCP is in June. I will only have had 10 & ½ months to complete 12 months of training. Is this fair?
The ARCP panel will assess the time spent in training to date. If there are further competencies outstanding to finish the RCOG Matrix requirements and the panel feel these can easily be accomplished in the time left in the training year, they can issue an outcome 1. This is however subject to the panel discussion (often including an External Advisor) and in some cases an outcome 2 or 3 may be awarded. Our advice therefore is to complete your Matrix requirements by the ARCP date, if you possibly can.
What should I do if I really cannot compete the Matrix requirements?
Contact your Educational Supervisor and College Tutor ASAP, so they are aware. They may be able to arrange targeted training. T more notice you give them, the more likely it is that the situation is redeemable.
I am an ST1-5 and I cannot get any consultant summative OSATS confirming competence. What can I do? Can an ST6-7 sign me off instead?
Contact your Educational Supervisor and College Tutor ASAP. All Trusts have provision for consultants (or other GMC accredited Clinical Supervisors) to perform OSAT assessments. At least 1 summative OSAT for competence needs to be performed by a Consultant/GMC accredited Clinical Supervisor. The other 2 summative OSATS required to show competence can be completed by either higher grade trainees (post MRCOG part 3) or consultants.
I cannot get USS training in EPC in my Trust, do I really need to compete the basic USS modules?
Yes you do! Look at the curriculum and OSAT requirements for competency. You may not need the EPC setting to fulfil the requirements; it is a trans-abdominal scan of a fetus that is required, not a trans-vaginal scan. Try accessing the dating scan/ nuchal scan clinic instead
All Trusts have indicated that they can fulfill training for the basic USS modules. If there is a problem, then see your Educational Supervisor/ College Tutor.
I’m ST1/3/4/6 and I don’t have to finish my training section at this ARCP. Is it OK if I don’t obtain any evidence for my e-portfolio CiPs this year?
No it’s not! You will be awarded an outcome 2 or 3. You must make acceptable curriculum progress each training year.
Does it matter if I’ve only got one set of TO1s or if I have less than 10 TO1s in one set?
Yes it does! You need 2 sets of TO1s for every training year, otherwise the TO2 does not count (For Covid, this has been temporarily reduced to 1 set, if that set is satisfactory)
You need to collate a minimum of 10 TO 1 forms (top tip: send out at least 18 requests to ensure you receive an adequate number of responses). You’ll need to include:
- Your current supervising consultant(s) – at least 3 consultants
- Senior members of nursing and midwifery staff in different clinical areas – antenatal setting, labour ward, gynaecological wards and outpatient clinics, theatres (both obstetric and gynaecological
- Trainees – a maximum of 3 (at all levels)
- Staff from other specialties outside of O&G – must be senior medical staff
- Specific individuals/groups as directed by ARCP panel objectives
I haven’t managed to fulfil the Training/ Teaching/ Leadership and Management/ Clinical governance/ QIP CiP criteria. Does it really matter?
Yes, I’m afraid it does! You will be awarded an outcome 2 or 3. We are training consultants of the future and consultants will be expected to be trained and participate in these non-clinical areas.
I’m a sub-specialty trainee and my sub-specialist assessment was satisfactory, so I don’t need to bother with the general RCOG Matrix requirements do I?
You do if you want to gain CCT in O&G! Even if you are doing well in SST, you still need to fulfil all of the curriculum requirements for training in O&G. You are not exempt.
I’m 60% LFT and I will only have completed 7.2 months training. Will I need an ARCP?
Yes you will. The HEE Gold Guide guide states that ARCPs are to be undertaken at least annually.
I complete ST5, and thus my intermediate training in April and my ARCP is not due until August. What should I do?
Hopefully we will have spotted this at your preceding ARCP and will have arranged an earlier ARCP. If not then email the HoS. You need to have an ARCP at the send of ST2 (basic training) and ST5 (intermediate training), even if this means having an ARCP before 12 months.
I’ve been on maternity leave and I’ve only got 3 months’ worth of training to assess. Should my ARCP be delayed?
No. The HEE Gold Guide guide states that ARCPs are to be undertaken at least annually.
Can I delay my ARCP until I’ve collected more evidence?
I haven’t quite finished my competencies. Can I submit my ESR less than 2 weeks before my ARCP?
No. We need to report to the Dean in advance if there are any outcome 3s, so that a decision can be made on allowing extra time and support offered to the trainee. Therefore, the ESR needs to be complete 2 weeks prior to the ARCP.
I’m on holiday/ nights for my ARCP. Should it be delayed?
No. You don’t attend your ARCP. Feedback can be given at a later date.