Severn School of O&G
ARCP advice for Out of Programme Experience/ Training/ Research
General Advice
All doctors have to revalidate at 5 year intervals and at the point of award of CCT. Periods of time Out of Programme (OOP) still count towards revalidation, and generally do not affect the revalidation cycle. The only time that this may change is if your CCT is 12 months away; or you are having a career break at the time of revalidation and have not been able to collect any evidence, when the Responsible Officer (PG Dean) may allow deferral of revalidation until you resume practice.
You therefore need to continue to collect cumulative evidence to support your revalidation and all aspects of your practice as a doctor must be accounted for.
Your ARCP date will be set in advance as usual and you will be required to submit evidence and attend if necessary as requested by your Training Programme Director.
For trainees in ALL types of OOP
While you are away you will need to do the following, on at least an annual basis:
- Engage with and complete the requirements of any training component of work you are undertaking if OOPT (this will need to be pre-authorised, unless it is an OOP Pause), including provision of an Educational Supervisor’s Report, completion of online portfolios and any work place based assessments as specified by your specialty. This continues during any work overseas.
- Engage in, and provide documentary evidence of involvement with the appraisal or review process in your host organisation, and retain any paperwork for submission to the ARCP panel.
- Complete the Form R, and any additional forms where “wider scope of practice is needed” i.e listing any wider work that you perform, and answering the revalidation questions about any incidents, complaints, health and probity in readiness for revalidation.
- Maintain your licence to practise, including your Postgraduate Dean RO connection on GMC Connect. Please note that you should not relinquish your licence whilst OOP. Once appointed to the training programme you will remain the responsibility of the Postgraduate Dean RO until you have completed your training and resigned your NTN (national training number).
Specific Advice on documents required
Trainees out of programme for OOPT:
- An Educational Supervisor’s report (ESR) on e-portfolio is required
- (A Severn O&G ARCP evidence form for the specific training year is required if the trainee is on the pre-2019 curriculum)
- Form R Additional Forms
Trainees out of programme for OOPE/OOPR need to submit evidence for ARCP in order to receive outcome 8.
This should include:
1. Clinical/ research supervisor’s report on progress – NB this is not an Educational Supervisor’s report. The report can be in the form of a letter or report (uploaded onto e-portfolio personal library) or this form can be completed OOP Supervisors report
This report should include the trainee’s record of achievements during the OOPE/R and updated
2. CV (optional)
3. Form R (A&B) and wider scope of practice forms if applicable Additional Forms
No Documentation necessary, other than form R stating no work related to medical qualification is undertaken