Obstetric and Gynaecology trainees in the Severn Region rotate around the following hospitals:
- St Michaels (St. Michael's University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust)
- Southmead (Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust)
- Gloucestershire Royal (Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
- Royal United (The Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust)
- The Great Western (Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon)
- Musgrove Park (Musgrove Park, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust)
ST1 and ST2 trainees are placed at St Michael’s, Southmead, The Great Western Hospital, The Royal United and Musgrove Park. ST3-7 trainees are placed throughout the region in all 6 Trusts. The educational needs of the trainee are primarily responsible for the allocation of training placements.
All trainees attend at least 5 regional training days, these are across both the Severn and Peninsula regions (South West Obstetric and Gynaecology Training days). These SWOT days are trainee centred and are designed to supplement the RCOG StratOG educational resource. Other educational days are available for trainees to attend and cover more specific topics of interest and are more appropriate for senior trainees.
Enthusiastic and dedicated college tutors support trainees in the Severn region. The trainees committee has a long history of full involvement in training issues and Severn region trainees continue to play a prominent role in national Obstetric and Gynaecological training issues.
Annual Minimum Expectation of Training ST1 to ST7 in O&G Severn Deanery
The matrices are available here