Westbury on Trym
BS10 5NB
Hospital Telephone Number: 0117 323 2321
Picture to be inserted
College Tutor: Dr Susannah Hogg
Current Trainees Representative: SWOT website link
Description of Department and Training Opportunities
North Bristol NHS Trust is a centre of excellence in the South West region and one of the largest trusts in the country. The Trust provides general medical and surgical care & maternity and neonatal care for a local population of approximately half a million people in the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire area. The Trust is a regional and specialist centre for people living in the Bristol and Weston area, as well as Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire and further afield for Neurosciences, Orthopaedics, Pathology, Plastic Surgery, Renal Services and Urology.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology is based on the Southmead Hospital site. A purpose built Gynaecology Unit comprising two theatres and in patient and day case facilities were opened in January 2003 adjacent to the maternity unit. The Gynaecology Unit has over 4000 admissions per annum and there are 18 Gynaecology operating lists per week.
In January 2008 the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) opened on the Southmead site adjacent to the Gynaecology Unit. This is a purpose built, stand alone, state of the art Fertility Centre and is a joint NHS and self funded unit. 1000 new couples are seen per year and 1100 cycles of IVF, 350 cycles of IUI and other fertility treatment are undertaken in the unit.
The Obstetric Unit at Southmead Hospital is one of the major Units in the country, there being 6,200 deliveries per annum dealing with a full range of both normal and abnormal obstetrics.
The department can offer a full range of ATSMs apart from Gynae Oncology and there are a large number of dedicated specialist clinics in both obstetrics and gynaecology open to all trainees to attend, these will be Fertility, Fetal Medicine, Medical Disorders in Pregnancy, Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy, Colposcopy, Vulval Disorders, Pre-pregnancy Counselling, Urogynaecology, Endometriosis, Substance misuse, Hysteroscopy and Maternal mental health.
The first on call out of hours is provided by ST1-2, F2 and GP ST Doctors on a full shift. The middle grade doctors work a rota with 2 middle grades on call together from 20.30 to 08.30 with an ST3 trainee working with an ST6-7 trainee.
Regular postgraduate meetings are held including Perinatal Mortality meetings, CTG meetings, Journal Club, Gynae Pathology and regular Audit presentations.